Certificate of Participation to X-eHealth Hackathon for chronic disease management
Between June 7th and June 9th, X-eHealth hosted a Hackathon for chronic disease management, by videoconference.
eHealthLab of the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus and 3AE Health LTD participated under the eHealth4U (Integrated National EHR System in Cyprus) team.
eHealthLab participating team: Prof Constantinos Pattichis, Maria Papaioannou, Andreas Neocleous, Panayiotis Savva, Constantinos Yiasemi, Christos Michael, Ionut – Cristian Canciu, Giorgos Adamides, Maria Xyda.
3AE Health participating team: Marios Neofytou, Andreas Panayides, Ioannis Constantinou, Francisco Miguel, Zinonas Antoniou.
The main objective of the eHealth4U project is the design and development of the reference implementation of Single eHealth Record Bank of the national e-Health Law of Cyprus (SeHRB). It embraces interoperability, security, citizen-centricity and compliance with national legislations and EU directions. This project is coordinated by the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus. The team presented the following proof of concept use case. A Patient visits a hospital for medication therapy. By the end of the encounter the Doctor creates a Discharge Summary for the Patient in the national integrated EHR system. The Doctor includes the Medication and one Allergy of the Patient. The Patient can now access at any time and view the created Discharge Summary from his/her own national EHR. The general objectives of the proof of concept was (a) the alignment with the national eHealth law of Cyprus, (b) conformance with IPS and X-eHealth., and (c) conformance with eHDSI Master Value Catalogue (where applicable).
With the participation of 8 teams, the hackathon aimed to showcase state of the art applications regarding chronic disease management area, focusing on the efficient exchange of electronic health records by reusing the specifications developed by the X-eHealth project.
On a more technical level, the results generated by the event will be used as inputs for X-eHealth’s report on the EEHRxF proof-of-concept demonstrators for chronic disease management and prevention. The report will describe the proof-of-concept demonstrator(s) for chronic disease patients and multimorbidity, noting links to collaborative projects and partners.
Coordinated by Portugal, represented by SPMS, X-eHealth’s purpose is to lay the foundations to advance the integration process of the eHealth services features by developing a common framework for medical imaging, discharge letters, laboratory results and rare diseases. You can access all session materials in the official page of Hackathon.