Stay on Track
3AHealth was the technical coordinator, mobile health app (mHealth app), and web platform developer of the Stay on Track project funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation of Cyprus.

Publishable Summary:
The main objective of the Stay on Track project is to develop and pilot an interactive, theoretically-informed and evidence-based web platform and mobile application to aid patients with chronic conditions adhere to their prescribed medication. The approach will leverage: (i) A user-friendly interface allowing patients to access information about their condition and their prescribed medication while registering self-reported outcomes and information that can be shared with their doctor(s); (ii) Short interactive exercises and notifications based on psychological theories to help patients overcome the barriers to adhere to their medication; (iii) Personalised reminders and push notifications and alerts towards assisting patients who forget to take their medication; (iv) An Ecologically-Momentary Assessment (EMA) of medication adherence behaviours.
Please visit the Stay on Track project website for more information:
The Project Stay On Track SOCIALINNO/0617/0014 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation.