In the recently awarded PRECIOUS project, 3aHealth (project coordinator) joins forces with renowned partners of the German Oncology Center (clinical coordinator) and the CYENS CoE (scientific coordinator) towards facilitating personalized medicine services via precision tracheostomy placement.
Publishable Summary:PRECIOUS project’s primary objective is to utilize newly developed methods in medical imaging enhanced with AI capabilities, jointly analysed with clinical and ICU related data, towards generating new knowledge that will allow enhancing the success rates of endotracheal tube insertion. PRECIOUS services will be developed as a stand-alone, reusable, and extensible component, based on state-of-the-art interoperability standards and protocols. In that context, PRECIOUS will be piloted using 3aHealth’s Software as a Services (SaaS) Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

The project Improving Personalized Medicine via AI-based Precision Tracheostomy – PRECIOUS, ENTERPRISES/0223/Sub-Call1/0263 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation.
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