3aHealth to collaborate with Nicosia’s General Hospital ICU of the State Health Services Organization of Cyprus in the recently awarded HOSPAITAL project. As the technical coordinator, 3aHealth will lead technological advances, implementing co-developed AI interventions between industry and academia. CYENS Centre of Excellence (project coordinator), Harokopeio University and UBITECH compose a skilful and winning consortium. Stay tuned for the project’s launch and website!

Publishable Summary: HOSPAITAL aims to transform existing platforms used for monitoring patients in ICUs, allowing core data and facilities to be linked and shared, towards composing (new) smart services for healthcare professionals, information system managers, and healthcare organization administrations, for the benefit of the citizen. HOSPAITAL envisions an integrated, interoperable, open platform that will form the basis for the development of a set of use cases, which will both allow evaluating and providing for improvements in medical diagnosis, prevention and treatment, with a particular focus on intra-ICU sepsis. In particular, HOSPAITAL will utilize newly developed methods in the IoT domain enriched with AI capabilities, for the analysis and monitoring of sepsis in ICUs. Linked with electronic health records (EHR) integration for post-hospitalization monitoring, HOSPAITAL goal is to further support rehabilitation and long-term care as well as contribute towards organisational and logistics hospital transformation.
The Project Hospital Transformation through Artificial Intelligence – HOSPAITAL, CODEVELOP-ICT-HEALTH/0322/0071 is funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility of the NextGenerationEU instrument, through the Research and Innovation Foundation.
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